With today’s topping-out ceremony, EWMG, as the builder, celebrated the next milestone of the construction project at Rheydt Central Station together with representatives from politics and administration, the press, future tenants, as well as the architects, participating construction companies, and financiers.
The structural work of the new commercial and service building is nearing completion. Traditionally, this is the moment when the builder expresses gratitude to all involved parties and collaborators. Dr. Schückhaus symbolically drove in the last nail before the interior construction, as well as the facade and electrical work, are set to commence shortly. “It’s great to see that the development at Rheydt Central Station is taking shape after many years of negotiation, discussion, and preliminary work. This is a collective achievement in our city that we can be proud of,” said Schückhaus. He thanked all the specialist planners and companies involved in the construction, as well as those who bear political responsibility in Mönchengladbach and have supported the important development at Rheydt Central Station from the beginning, foremost among them Mayor Heinrichs, City Director Dr. Gregor Bonin, and the EWMG Supervisory Board. The success of the project owes much to the colleagues at the municipal administration, EWMG, and WFMG who have been driving the project operationally, as well as the first tenants who have consciously chosen the special location at Rheydt Central Station and will make the building what it is meant to be: a vibrant hub for Rheydt, serving travelers, employees, and citizens of the city. Schückhaus explicitly thanked the “neighbors” who have been actively engaged in finding common solutions, particularly Deutsche Bahn and representatives of the bicycle station, as well as the attending press representatives, who have consistently reported on the project and helped spread the good news.
By 2024, the municipal development company (EWMG) will have constructed a distinctive, functional, and sustainable new station building here, with spaces for commerce, services, and a modern police station. The construction work while the station is in operation is a complex project, and the result is “an important impulse for Mönchengladbach and the Rheydt district,” as emphasized by Mayor Felix Heinrichs in his welcoming speech.
The future tenants, representatives from the police and the law firm Backhaus + Partner, also took the opportunity to personally observe the progress at the construction site of their new premises. After the traditional topping-out speech, in which Sandra Olland from the roofing company wished the station building luck and blessings on all its future paths and concluded by ceremoniously smashing a shot glass, a hearty buffet was enjoyed together.
The construction work at Rheydt Central Station is in full swing, and completion is approaching. The police will be able to occupy their new station in Q1/2024, while the completion of the commercial and office spaces is planned for Q2/2024.