Around 100 new residential units are being built in the new “Flipsenpesch” residential quarter. The municipal development company EWMG is responsible for marketing and development. Work is now starting on the construction roads, sewer system and rainwater retention basin on the approximately 3.4-hectare site.

7,105 square meters of road surface and approx. 1,700 meters of sewers: The traffic and technical development of the new residential quarter in Mönchengladbach-Venn has begun. On Wednesday, EWMG management and representatives of the construction company Tholen symbolically turned the first sod on the site. EWMG is investing a total of several million euros here for future-oriented and urgently needed living space.

The application period for the first 29 plots ended at the beginning of May. The development of the site should be completed by the end of February 2025 so that the plots between the new “Flipsenpesch” and “Hoover Pad” streets can then gradually fill up. Green roofs and intelligent rainwater management will provide sustainable impetus. The infiltration basin is located at the lowest point of the site and has a capacity of 865 cubic meters. This means that it is not only equipped for the collected rainwater from the new development area, but can also absorb large quantities of uncollected rainwater via the surface gradient in the event of rare and extreme weather events.

For the sustainable design of their own homes, EWMG supports building owners with a guide to all relevant planning topics: from design specifications including greening to options for heat and electricity to funding opportunities with the corresponding requirements for the building’s carbon footprint.

The new district will be a lively place with a high quality of life. A variety of apartment and plot sizes, including subsidized housing, make the location just as interesting for families as it is for couples or single people. The basic structure follows the winning design by Thomas Schüler Architekten, who were able to prevail in an urban competition: a mixture of spacious plots in the peripheral areas, more compact detached houses in the interior of the quarter and a new square with apartment buildings in the east. In addition to green islands within the area, the new quarter is also linked to the extensive green strip to the west, which will be developed as a play and leisure area from 2025.

Press contact EWMG

Christina Schnoklake
Phone + 49 (0) 2161 / 4664-203
Mobile +49 (0) 163 / 5885-203